Register an account. Find a xath group that shares your interests. Make your own xath group. Get and trade Powers. Play a multiplayer game. Design your own animated avatar character. Send stickers with custom text.
Your own xath group could be for particular subject (e.g. music, anime, video games), for the visitors to your site or just for you and your friends. You can use it on xath or embed it on your site. Groups are fully customizeable and can be members only if you want to restrict it to your friends.
You can use your xats and days to buy special powers for the xath box. These include sets of custom smilies, special effects and abilities and group powers which add extra features to your xath group. Learn more about all the available powers on the xath wiki.
You can trade powers with other xath users. If you are skillful you can earn a profit, buy low and sell high. xath trade is a stock exchange where traders meet.
Play games against your friends or randoms.
Compete to be the fastest in the race games or evade bans with the ban games. Doodle is a freeform co-operative drawing app. DoodleRace gives you something to draw and then you vote on whose drawing was the best. Also try the new Hearts card game.
Design your own custom animated character with the Xavi app and watch it respond to what you type. Choose from a variety of accessories, hairstyles, colors and much more!(Requires Xavi power)
Stickers to share in your conversations! You can even personalize them with your own custom colored text.(Requires Sticker powers)
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